The Life and Teachings
of Jesus
A Restatement of the Gospels

XII. Another Preaching Tour of Galilee

44. The Women’s Evangelistic Corps

        1Soon afterward Jesus went on through cities and villages, preaching and bringing the good news of the kingdom of God.a And the twelve were with him, 2and also some womenb who had been healed: Mary, called Magdalene, 3and Joanna, the wife of Chuza, Herod's steward, and Susanna, and many others, who provided their support out of their private means.
        (Lk. 8:1–3)

a   “preaching and bringing the good news of the kingdom of God"—The good news that God is our loving and merciful heavenly Father. (See also Ch. 34, fn. a.)

b   “and also some women”—Jesus and the apostles are embarking on another preaching tour through the cities and villages of Galilee. In this tour they are joined for the first time by a group of women evangelists. These women formed a separate corps of gospel teachers “who provided their support out of their private means.”
        In a time when women were not allowed on the main floor of the synagogue, being confined to the women's quarters, this was a bold and courageous move. Jesus' decision to recognize women as teachers of the gospel forever emancipated women from the prevailing belief in the spiritual inferiority of women. Jesus taught the spiritual equality of male and female and by this act gave due recognition to women's place in religious work.

Lk. 8:1  afterward Jesus went / afterward he went (RSV)
Lk. 8:2  healed: / healed of evil spirits and infirmities: (RSV) • Magdalene, / Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out. (RSV)
Lk. 8:3  provided their support out of their private means. (NASB) / provided for them out of their means. (RSV)   (150:1/1678–9)